Saturday 30 May 2015

Another New Years Resolution

Another of my new years resolutions, which I pretty much stuck to last year (I may have bought some new vest tops in August when I realised that all of mine were pretty worn out), is to not buy any clothes this year. There are many reasons why I am trying to stick to this:

  • I have far too many clothes (as I rarely do a wardrobe clear out) and my wardrobe is full to bursting. This is not a bad thing, as I love wearing a dress, for example, which I bought 10 years ago, and getting compliments, and knowing that it is unlikely to see anyone wearing the same one. 
  • On a similar note, our wardrobe is tiny. When we moved in, I had 2 sections and my boyfriend had 2 sections. It is now more like I have 2 3/4 sections and he has 1 1/4 so I really can't take any more space!!
  • To save money; we're off on a long holiday in the summer so it would be great to have much more money to spend when I'm away, due to not spending any on clothes this year. 
  • To know where my clothes have come from. I'm sure that many of the clothes available on the high street are made in terrible conditions, and I don't want to be a part of that. There are a few ethical clothing brands that I check out every now and again, but they tend to be a bit more expensive, so that ties in with my third point of trying to save money. 
  • It has been a year since I quit my job and went self-employed, so I now have more time to make my own clothes (which is definitely allowed). 

So although I was trying slightly to not spend any money on new clothes/fabric, sadly for my bank balance, but very excitingly for my creative mind, a beautiful fabric shop has opened up on Goldhawk Road (my local fabric shopping street), called Goldbrick Fabrics, which is just immensely inspiring. It smells all lovely of new wood and everything is so neatly organised into sections. Now I love squeezing though the heaps of fabric rolls in the other shops on Goldhawk Road, but the space in Goldbrick is just so calming...and far too tempting. 

I went in last week to buy 1m of a fabric I'd seen when popping in recently for work....and ended up coming out with 3 different pieces of fabric, and a mind full of ideas!

Here are my fabric selections, and pictures of the creations will follow....

(On a positive note, these 3 pieces came to £34 so if I make 3 new dresses out of these that will be pretty bargainous!!)

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