Wednesday 29 August 2012

When We Camped in a Lake....

So as usual for the August Bank Holiday weekend, we headed off to Greenbelt, one of my favourite times of year!! Now going on the horrific weather we've had this Summer (??) I wasn't expecting too much, and had my new wellies and rain coat packed. However, I did not expect it to be quite as horrific as it was!

On Saturday we had so much rain in a few hours in the afternoon that when we got back to our tent, which we'd happily pitched on an area that seemed on much higher ground than the areas around us, we found that instead of nice tufty grass, our tents were a lake!!

One of the most distressing things was that all of our nice clean washing up which we'd done that morning had now all started to float away in the muddy, grimy looking water (the doctors staying with us told me we'd probably get Cholera!).

We survived the weekend, the waters went down slightly, but we did get VERY soggy and many less hardcore festivallers went home early as it just all got too much!

Monday 13 August 2012

New Book!

As it's the summer holidays, I always go to my aunties house for a week (or as long as I can get off work) and hang out with my mum and sister and niece, so as it's crazily somehow August already, I've just spent a few days with the family.

My auntie has recently written a book called RE Active Church which is a series of workshops and activities designed to help primary school aged children to learn about Christianity. It is a very interesting and fabulously written book and has some beautiful drawings and illustrations at the back drawn! Ok, so the publishers have stylised them slightly but the original drawings I drew last summer and it's amazing to see them in print!

This fabulous book is available to buy on Amazon here: