Tuesday 21 January 2014

Happy World Penguin Day!

Happy World Penguin Today! It's today! Well yesterday by the time I write this but still happiness to all penguins!!

I was informed of this day by a colleague at work who seems to know what day it is every single day (and I don't just mean the day/date but things like 'Bring your Mum to work day'). She informed me it was World Penguin Day today and so I thought it was only right to share pictures of my latest zoo creation Percival.

So, over to Percival, what do Penguins do on World Penguin Day? Well aside from the usual splashing and fish eating....Penguin Planking is the new 'cool' Penguin activity. As demonstrated below...

Sunday 19 January 2014

Brian Needs A Friend In The Zoo

So time for another knitting project from my beautiful book! At the moment I've been so busy so haven't had time to go out and buy any specific wool so I'm literally picking projects by what colours and types of wool I have in my knitting basket at the moment. 

The feet! Can you guess what he is yet?

Now I can very successfully chat and knit plain st stitch, but I am terrible at talking or even listening and following a pattern. I need complete silence or it all goes terribly wrong! So I was trying to concentrate on my wings and my boyfriend wouldn't stop talking to me, however much I shushed him and so this is what happened. Somewhere along the way wing number 2 skipped a fair few rows of stitches!!

I was very annoyed as this was already really wing number 3, as I'd absent mindedly slipped into st stitch rather than garter so had had to start again. 

But these were just too different so I made a start on wing number 4!

All ready to be sewn up!

And so here he is. Percival the Penguin. Photographed in his natural habitat so he'd be more comfortable with the photoshoot - he looks quite at home amongst the ice cubes!

Sunday 12 January 2014

New Year - New Knitting Challenges

So here is my first knitting project from my beautiful new book. Can you guess what it is....?

Front Legs

Back Legs


Half of right side

Finished right side

Both sides

Big mane

Now looking like one of those skin rugs!

And finished! I'm so proud of Brian the Lion!

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Best Presents Ever!

I always get very excited at Christmas. I love the traditions, the food, the terrible films and seeing as many people as possible whilst indulging in lots of alcoholic beverages. Mmmmm.

Well on top of this, I got incredibly excited as I got some amazing presents this year. Whilst others were comparing fancy jewellery, watches etc, I got 2 absolutely incredible, if slightly unusual presents.

The first - dinosaur cake moulds! What can possibly be cooler than these! I love baking and I love dinosaurs so what can be better than dinosaur shaped cakes! Once I've made my way through all of the Christmas cakes my Mum sent me home with, I will definitely be baking some. 

The second - knit your own zoo! I love knitting and I love zoo animals so I can't think of a cooler combination of knitting zoo animals. This is my first attempt (obviously not finished yet) at one of my favourite animals. Can you guess what it is?