Tuesday 27 January 2015

Elephant Production Line

I have been very busy making lots of elephant mobiles recently for my Etsy and Folksy shops. Here are some photos of some new colour combinations I am very pleased with...

Tuesday 13 January 2015

Weekend Break in Copenhagen

Some uni friends and I met up in April last year, and decided we should all go away on a weekend break together. Sadly the first available date we all had was the 9th January but actually it was lovely to go away the week after New Year as it definitely helped to get over the January blues!

So off we went to Copenhagen for a lovely weekend of wandering, cycling on the super safe roads, pastries and general hygge (no real English translation but general warmth, cosiness, friendship, happiness - you get the idea).

Here are some photos:

Monday 12 January 2015

New Years Resolutions

I've had the same few new years resolutions for the past few years, and have just managed to become to frantically busy that they get pushed to the bottom of my list of things to do. So I decided, this year, to write them down in black and white on here so that I might feel more inclined to actually complete them and blog about updates on my progress. So here goes:

1. Knit myself a jumper. 
Last year I knitted, amongst other things; tiger, penguin, about 20 different shaped hats, over 100 baubles, and a camel. I feel that I now have all the skills to knit a jumper, and even picked up a cool pattern to adapt for 10p in a charity shop. I've even chosen a wool I love in John Lewis. So this year I MUST actually get round to knitting myself a jumper. Maybe I'll start tomorrow....

2. Make myself another knitting needle case. 
I have one roll for my standard needles, and then a bag full of a confusion of different sized double pointed and circular needles. I must sew myself a double point and a circular needle case to make my life so much easier when I am looking for a certain size.

3. Read more. 
I managed to join the library last year and went along with brilliant intentions of reading more and would take out 4 books at a time...only to return them on the due date with 3 unread and the 1 read one having been finished at 2am the night before. I used to read before I went to bed every night but now somehow end up only going to bed after midnight every night and so just being too sleepy to read. I have a huuuuuuge list of books I need to read so I must make more time for that. Maybe I could knit myself some more time....hmmm

4. Make more of my own clothes. 
I'm still hanging on to having a ridiculous amount of free clothes from my last job, and so haven't really been clothes shopping at all for a year, but I do have a drawer full of beautiful fabrics and so I really must sew some more outfits for myself.

Then I have the usual ones about eating more healthily, going to the gym more often, travelling more, making time to see friends. I actually did quite well on these last year - I started cycling to work, and managed to go on holiday to France (skiing), Poland, Russia, Italy, Switzerland and some lovely seaside destinations in the UK.

Now I must go and finish some work quickly so I have time to read for at least half an hour before bed....wish me luck!

Thursday 8 January 2015

Knitted Dinosaur Hats

Going along with my current obsession for knitting, and my love for dinosaurs, I have made a pattern for some very exciting dinosaur hats!!

Here are some photos....

Tuesday 6 January 2015

Happy New Year - Spring Already?

Well Happy New Year and Best Wishes for 2015. 2015 already?? Madness!

So having just returned from a lovely week in the snow skiing for New year, I am definitely not feeling in a spring-like frame of mind. But I was still nicely surprised to see some of my lovely little bunny outfits on the Boden website today:



So here are some of my photos of my bunny outfits, along side the stills of their matching outfits from the Boden website...