Friday 12 September 2014

4 Dozen Mince Pies....and It's Only September!

No I'm not just fanatically organised, I've been making mince pies for Christmas Photo shoots since July which is fine, as I love baking but getting hold of the mince meat has been slightly less easy. Luckily, Waitrose seems to stock it all year round, but they seem to move it around the shop every time I go in....meaning I have to keep asking where it is and constantly being given funny looks by the shop staff, accompanied with 'You do know it's not Christmas?'

Yes I do!!

Also, the design of the mince pies was a specific design for the shoot (I can't upload photos yet as it's not gone live) but there was no biscuit cutter available with no notice that was the right size, so for the first batch, I had to hand cut 24 mince pie toppings by hand. Argh! I have never appreciated biscuit cutters so much!!

Mmmmm more photos to follow in December!

Wednesday 10 September 2014

A Very Exciting Wedding

Some of my friends got married on Friday and had the most beautiful wedding I have ever been to. They had put in so much effort and thought of absolutely every single little detail. Lots of things were hand crafted but looked so professional. Here are some images: