Friday 15 February 2013

Banana Bread; with Berries, Coconut & Other Additions

I always buy bananas and then forget to eat them, and I cannot stand them when they start to go a bit brown. Luckily, this is when they are perfect for banana bread and I LOVE banana bread, so I end up making it pretty often!

I feel like even though it is cake, it's healthy cake as there is so much fruit in it, so it's perfectly acceptable to eat lots of it - especially when it's straight out of the oven.

After a few months of making plain banana bread, I started to experiment and add other ingredients in, such a raisins, frozen berries, coconut, carrot and most recently fudge!

I had found some fudge in our kitchen cupboard which had gone a bit hard so not good for eating but perfect for cooking. I was all set to bake my banana fudge muffins and then discovered that our housemates who had moved out the previous weekend had clearly owned (or just wanted) our kitchen scales so had taken them with them! As I had all my ingredients laid out ready, I didn't want to just not bake so I thought I'd have a go at guesstimating the weights of everything....

It started out ok with butter, sugar and then eggs, but by the time I got to adding the flour, I think I got a bit carried away. Then it looked too thick so I added lots of milk to make it runny, and then it just didn't look like normal cake was still a bit thick but tasted of flour so I didn't want to add any more so I just scooped the mixture in to the paper cases and hoped for the best!

They turned out a bit like rock cakes or scones more than fairy cakes, still nice, and the banana and fudge combination was amazing, I will definitely have to try and make them again, but this time I have some shiny new lime green electronic scales, so I will actually follow the recipe!

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