Saturday 25 June 2011

Button Replacement Surgery

A lot of my school friends decided to study medicine and scarily enough have now qualified and are working in various hospitals. Whenever we are all together, there is a lot of medical speak going on, most of which I don't understand. However, some of it will sound really interesting and so I'll ask them what they are talking about.

Usually I get a very patronising answer, something along the lines of 'It's like sewing but with fewer buttons'. Or something similar. They usually get a 'I am not amused' face in return.

Anyway, in similarly complicated and dangerous surgery style, I have recently performed Button Replacement Surgery on a Dress. As I said before in one of my older posts, I do love a bit of Primark shopping. Especially when it's near the end of the month and my bank account is looking sad.

I recently bought this Dress which I love but I thought the buttons made it look a little bit cheap. Hence the Button Replacement Surgery.

(It's got little people sitting on a beach printed on it! Love it!)

Now I do like a bit of button collecting, and have topped up my Grandma's button tin as I used the ones in there, or went to markets or charity shops and found more, and so I now have a reasonable sized collection.

These are the buttons which came on the dress. When I bought it and tried it on, I thought these buttons were plasticy and cheap. Now that I've taken them off, they actually look quite nice and are made of metal and actually pretty good quality! Now they just need to be found a more suitable home...

These were my first try. I think the print of the dress makes it look quite vintage, and the full skirt makes it quite 50's style, so I thought these suitably retro looking buttons might work? I asked my housemates, but they were pretty useless, just saying that they all looked nice.

After a few more options (above) I settled on just having 3 buttons, instead of the original 5, and went for these peachy coloured ones to compliment the peach beach strip in the dress. Beautiful I think. Although if I get bored in the future, or if the buttons reject the dress, I can always perform more complex surgery and change them for some different buttons.

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