Friday 15 January 2021

Leon Cookbook

 Dave often buys very unexpected, but awesome presents. After declaring that we weren't doing presents this Christmas, he changed his mind and went out shopping, thankfully hours before the pre Christmas Tier 4 lockdown!!

One of the presents he came back with, was a Leon cookbook. I've only eaten at Leon a few times - mainly as I never eat fast food - and am not usually a fan of cook books. I tend to find a recipe I like, only to discover that it contains 7 million ingredients, I've never heard of most of them and only have 3 in the cupboard. 

So I was swayed with this one, when the first recipe I opened the book on was Sweet Potato Falafel. It sounded so good and I had every ingredient (of which there weren't too many) already in the cupboard, aside from gram flour. Thankfully, after the great flour shortage of March/April 2020, I knew that the shop across the road sells gram flour, so that was incredibly easy to locate, and I was set to go!

I also then decided to make Leon Gobi to go with it, as I already had everything for that too (aside from turmeric, which I've since bought!)

These were both incredible! They tasted expensive, so many flavours, and also conveniently Vegan. Perfect timing for making an effort towards Veganuary. 

The next recipe, which Dave was drawn to immediately, was the ketchup. As we're not allowed  out, what better way to spend a Saturday afternoon, than make ketchup. We get through a lot of it, and as I insist on buying it in glass, not plastic, it doesn't come in big enough bottles for him!!

It was well worth the effort!! It's less sweet and more spiced than regular ketchup and so good!!

We next tried the Rogan Josh and I decided to attempt naan bread with it too. The curry was quite long winded to cook, but more in a 'do this then leave for 30 mins' way, so not too time consuming!

Naan bread, it turns out, is way easier to make then I expected. Why have I never made it before!!

It looks beautiful as well as containing lush recipes!!

Cardamom rice pudding. Our milkman has started selling cream in glass jars so perfect timing!! 

I've also tried the falafel with butternut squash instead of sweet potato, and although it was a bit softer (I added more flour) it was equally as tasty!!

There are still so many more recipes to try! I'm also a big fan of the Brazilian beans, Pilaff Rice, and the Cauliflower, Almond & Turmeric Soup. The problem is to choose what to try next!!

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