Saturday 17 February 2018

New for 2018!!

So it seems to have become tradition, that about this time every year, I come up with a new item to sell. Sometimes it's replacing something I've discontinued, but mostly because I think now is when I think about stopping hats until October ish again, so feel I'll have some empty space on my stall (this is never the case!!!).

So as we live in a very small flat, and I am definitely taking up more that my fair share of storage space in here, I have decided to stop selling cushions. They are very bulky, and also very stressful to have on my stall when it is wet/windy as there is risk of mud!!!

But it turns out I have been secretly hoarding a lot of the organic cotton prints I use for the cushions. So instead, and carrying on with the baby theme, I have decided to make some organic cotton dribble bibs, and bunny teethers.

I embroidered some for a friend's nephew!

Such cute prints!!

I found some non snagging velcro, and have trimmed it into circles so there are no sharp edges!

Very cute and chewable!!

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