Saturday 14 February 2015

Inspiralize Your Life!!

I bought I spiralizer last week, on the recommendation of my cousin and his girlfriend. I'd been slowly reading about them in more and more places, but as soon as I saw them and they raved about 'courgetti' I just knew I had to have one (courgettes were my vegetable of last summer with my courgette and lemon cake becoming my new cake speciality!!).

So I bought the Hemsley + Hemsley Spiralizer from Amazon and I think it is amazing! I'd read reviews that said upright ones were best, because the vegetables don't slip out, but then everyone who had bought one, seemed to have one like this so I decided to go with the masses. And IT IS AMAZING!!!

I have used it every day so far and without really trying have massively upped my vegetable intake. Plus anything spiralled looks really cool. I have always been a stickler for my 5 fruit and veg a day, but have recently upped this to 10, with the aim of eating more veg as a lot of my intake tends to be fruit which is not so good for me.

Since last Tuesday, when it arrived just in time for dinner, here's what I have spiralled....

TUESDAY: Thai red curry (onion, pepper, tomato, mushrooms, sweetcorn, aubergine) with courgoodles (courgette noodles). I did also try and spiral the aubergine but it just went a bit mushy and shredded and didn't really work.

WEDNESDAY: The classic, courgetti bolognese (with onions, tomatoes, mushrooms and carrots in the sauce)

Verdict = courgettes are super easy to spiral, if they're a bit wonky I just cut them on the bendy bit and spiralize them in sections which works perfectly. They are also nicely soft so very easy to spiral. And both nights we ate just one courgette spiralled between the 2 of us and a normal portion of the rest of dinner and were nicely full.

THURSDAY: Chorizo sausages with spiralled potatoes, spiralled carrots, mushrooms, onions and garlic.

Verdict = I thought the harder veg might not work as well but the blades are so sharp that the carrots went through with little more effort. The only downside is that you need really fat carrots to make proper spirals, but my thinner carrots gave nice arcs, and then I munched on the middles whilst cooking. Yum!

The potatoes worked amazingly and I just steamed them in with the sausages so they got a lovely chorizo-y flavour. Curly potatoes taste so much nicer than plain boiled potatoes for some reason, and we weren't tempted to add butter which we normally would have so well worth it!

FRIDAY: Wraps with humous, courgetti and peppers. Amazingly delicious!!

SATURDAY: Wraps with boursin and courgetti. Again, AMAZING!!!

I own a fair few kitchen gadgets which I do use fairly often, however, never have I had one that I am so in love with that I want to use it every day! I think the fact that it's not electric so you can dump the whole thing in the sink to wash it if you want helps too so I would recommend to everyone GO AND BUY A SPIRALIZER!!!!

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