Thursday 24 March 2011

Secret Button World (or Cupboard)

As part of my job at Boden, I have to get in touch with our Tailoring Department to ask if they have any spare buttons. Quite often a customer will lose a button from their coat for example, and will have put the spare one in a 'safe place'. Or, as often happens nowadays, buttons just aren't sewn on securely enough, and so fall off after you've only worn the item a few times.

Almost every time I put in a request for spare buttons, I get a message back about a week later saying that one of the lovely ladies in our Tailoring Department has sent a handful of spare buttons off to that customer.

Which makes me wonder exactly what our Tailoring Department looks like....

Sadly, it's based in our Leicester office which I have never ventured to, so I've never seen what it looks like, and anyone who I know who has been to Leicester isn't really that interested. So I imagine a room full of jars or drawers with all the buttons sorted out. Maybe organised by colour, and material and size. I imagine like an old fashion sweet shop would look like, with jars of beautifully coloured sweets covering every inch of wall space, completely surrounding you. I imagine one of those sliding wooden ladders like you see in old fashion libraries to allow you to reach the buttons which are right at the top.....

This is such a beautiful picture in my mind, that I almost don't want to go and see it, as I don't want to be disappointed. But I am tempted to pretend I need some buttons and have them sent to me. The only problem is where to start...which colour to select first...

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